I couldn't even watch American Idol this week - it's normally one of my favorite shows. I just can't get past Michael Johns getting voted off. lol I know that's being a very bad sport but I can't help it. His getting voted off was such a shock! It was like watching a movie and unexpectedly the leading characters are both blown up with no warning. lol I saw on the net this morning that Kristy Lee Cook was voted off. I knew it was coming but try as I did to dislike her, I thought she was pretty great after all. =)
So what do you do when you don't know how to move on from something? Well, for me, I cheer myself up with a good meal. lol There's a reason for the term "comfort food." Now the formal definition of comfort food is food that is made at home, inexpensive and easy to prepare. While I like to think I'm a good cook, I'm Chef Lauren in my own mind right? lol, easy to prepare is right up my alley.
Here's a recipe from a friend of mine, Nancy, because I will never claim a recipe to be my own if it isn't. It's a favorite of mine and it's on my dinner menu for this evening. Maybe it will help ease me past my PMDS - that's post Michael stress disorder. *sigh*
Mexican Super Supper
1 whole chicken, cut up
7 oz tortilla chips (I like the fancy ones)
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 can of cream of chicken soup
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
2-4 jalapeno peppers, diced
1 cup of sour cream (again, I prefer the good stuff)
1/2 cup of black olives, sliced
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
Stew the chicken until it is thoroughly cooked and allow to cool for 10-15 minutes. Remove the meat from the bones and cut into chunks. Mix the chicken with chips, onion, sups, peppers, sour cream, olives, and garlic powder. Pour int 3 quart casserole dish. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for 30 minutes until bubbly. Serve with a fresh green salad and Texas toast. 6-8 servings.
Have a wonderful day!
Your comfort food is right down my alley. I love mexican food but not too hot. Thank you for inviting me to join your group. I am waiting for your next book.
D, thank you for joining my group! I'm with you on Mexican food and I can't do very spicy either. A little, not much. lol I've got some other really great real Mexican recipes I'll have to pass along. =)
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