What should I be doing? I've got the blog, and I really do enjoying blogging because I can imagine that you are all my good friends and I'm talking to you. I'm sharing with you what's going on in my head. I like MySpace too because I've met a lot of people I wouldn't have met otherwise. I started a yahoo group and you know, as of right now about 55 people felt sorry for me and joined. lol Most before I even offered the prize of a print copy of Secrets Volume 21 and a massage bar from Lush cosmetics. (Pssst, the link is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/laurenblades) lol
It's been a strange journey. I've been trying to writing for a little while. Last year I sent a story in to Red Sage and the stars were aligned just right or the editor felt sorry for me. I don't know. But by August, I'm told I've sold my first work.
I didn't know until a couple of weeks ago when it would come out and that's no criticism. I used the time between "guess what, you've sold" until now wisely. I've watched what other people do. I'm ready. I should be ready. Am I ready? lol
I'm scared too because obviously, the first thing you want to do as a successful writer is to have another release coming. I don't. I have two out there and have since early this year. No word yet. The gap between this and a potential follow up scares me. How do I keep any interest with one book? Do I do recipes? (I love to cook and I'm told I'm not bad at it. lol) Do I do free stories?
Do I give it up? lol
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