Thursday, August 21, 2008
So MySpace dumped me
I'm bummed. I'm sure I get my web people to put it back but I don't have the time to or desire to go back and do the friend hunt thing. It took me months to get all those. I'm not sure what good it did me but according to my stats I got some traffic from there.
And I don't understand. I never put anything that would be unsuitable for the underaged on there. My book cover, a recipe widget thingie. My whiny or celebratory posts. Some recipes of mine. What's the harm in that?
I wonder if this has happened to other authors. Should I do Facebook? Should I try to blog more?
Should I stick with my day job? lol
Ah well. Good news, bad news. Maybe this will mean good news is next. How neat would that be?
Buenos noches,
Monday, August 18, 2008
I actually have news to post!
Okay, what I CAN say. On the first one, I MIGHT have a second sale. I hope, I hope, I hope. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
I'm working on a new project with some other authors but I don't know if I've made that sale yet. It's got a lot of promise but I need to write it first. LOL
Anyway, it's forward progress. I hope to be able to tell you more soon.
Buenos noches,
Monday, July 21, 2008
Devyn Quinn's Virtual Book Tour continues...Updates and stuff....
First of all, I have some news to share. For those who have been following the tour, I recently posted some pix of my pets during my stop at Anya Howard's blog. I am sad to say that Teeny passed away last Thursday, July 17th. Though I worked hard to keep Teeny alive, she just couldn't rally the strength to grow and died that evening. It's always sad to bury a little kitten.
On another note, I was wondering what to blog about, and it hit me that I should write about what most concerns me. Yes, you guessed it. Deadlines. That word alone is enough to strike fear into anyone’s heart who must turn in a project by a certain date.
For me, that is a daunting task. Not only do I juggle the demands of pets and a job, I also have to juggle the world of the characters I am creating. Does that make sense? Think about it. Their world depends on what’s going on in my world. If everything in my “real” life is in chaos and disarray, then you can certainly bet (and you would win) that my character’s lives are also one huge mess. If I can’t concentrate and arrange my life, how can I possibly handle a fictional world that is, supposedly, suppose to leap of the page and become real to my reader?
It’s enough to make a writer reach for her favorite bottle of wine. The whole bottle. It also reminds me of a crack off the television Frasier, when Frasier and Niles were attempting to write their first book together: No wonder writers are a bunch of suicidal alcoholics who kill themselves. In other words the boys were frustrated. And how.
As a writer under contract, I have given my publisher the assurance that I will deliver a book or novella within a specified timeframe. Usually that’s fine with me. Even though I am a writer who struggles with Writer’s Block (more about that in another blog post in a future time), I can usually pull myself out of that mental funk and get the job done. I’m on deadline now, and it’s closer than I care to admit. Sure, I initially had plenty of time to deliver the book when I signed the contracts, but this time life got in the way and I simply could not sit down in front of the computer and concentrate enough of my character’s lives to put it all down on paper.
Don’t get me wrong. I tried, really tried. But the world I was living in was too chaotic. Between financial pressures and the development of a second cancer in dad’s lungs, I simply could not pull my stuff together and bag it up properly. And I really couldn’t write. Big time.
The days to deadline ticked off. And ticked off some more. During that time I had to take hat in hand and ask my editor for another extension. Graciously, she extended me more than one. And then something wicked my way came.
Time ran out.
No more extensions could be granted. None. Zero Zilch. Asking for another would mean my book, scheduled for April 09, would have to be booted from the lineup of releases for the month. That didn’t necessarily bother me as much as it would be to disappoint my editor—not to mention the trouble she’d have to go through moving the book. That isn’t something editors like to do unless it’s an extreme emergency. With dad’s illness I could get my agent to plead emergency and throw myself on my editor’s mercy.
I’m not going to do that, though. I’m going to center my mind, glue my ass to this chair in front of my desk and put my fingers into gear. It’s time to write, and it’s time to write like never before. Deadline ticks closer and my days are whittling down to nothing….
But I will finish the book. I will!
Moving to another subject, I have some news to share for those of you who haven’t heard yet. My agent closed another deal and I’ll soon be signing a new contract to participate in a new cop themed anthology with Myla Jackson and Delta Dupree. I’m ticked at the chance to write a romantic suspense story, a total change from my goth-erotic genre. Well, maybe not that far removed, LOL.
I'm going to close with a brief excerpt from Man After Midnight, the book I am working on now. Keep in mind this is unedited, first draft. Kensington's editors haven't cleaned it up to make me look like a better writer. In this excerpt, Dani Wallace's unnamed lover has just shown up on her doorstep with a rather disturbing proposal:
Dani swiveled her attention toward the group standing a slight distance away from the others. She gasped, blinked to make sure what she saw was absolutely real, then blinked again to make sure the entire scene wasn’t some kind of mirage.
The man she’d made love to last night was there, but he’d changed. Drastically.
Gone were the nice tight jeans and casual shirt he looked so damn good in, replaced by a high necked white shirt overlaid with a snug fitting vest of black velvet, a pair of snug breeches and shiny knee high back boots. A full-length laced Victorian style coat lent a formal and commanding air to his already impressive physique. Beautifully cut and fitted, it was an impressive piece of tailoring. Despite the strange style of his costume, he wore it with panache—and looked pretty damn good in it, too. He appeared much taller than she remembered.
Every hair on Dani’s head tingled with awareness. Just remembering how he’d touched her caused her nipples to peak under her t-shirt and robe. Heat spread through her body, intensifying as it settled into a hard knot inside her gut. Moisture seeped between her thighs, just hours ago spread wide to receive his magnificent erection. His very presence shot through her like a bolt of pure electricity, reminding her all over again what had attracted her to him in the first place. The intensity behind his very presence made her pulse beat double time. She had no regret that she’d had sex with him. She’d probably do it again if given the chance.
And she hoped she would be given the chance.
By the serious expressions on everyone’s faces, no one else was entertaining thoughts about having sex but her. That fact didn’t make her lust any easier to deal with. Good thing they weren’t alone. Otherwise she’d torn those fancy clothes right off his body and taken him right then and there.
Flustered, she cut her gaze to his companions, flanking him to the left and to the right. Apparently they were his bodyguards. At least that’s what the broadswords strapped across their backs would lead one to think. As for their clothing, well it didn’t seem to belong anywhere in the modern world at all. Dressed in short sleeved tunics, breeches and knee-high leather boots, they definitely had some Goth-medieval vibe going.
Brenden cleared his throat loudly to get everyone’s attention. “And here’s the lady you’ve all been arguing about.”
All eyes turned toward Dani.
She squirmed. “Uh, what’s going on here?”
Counselor Nash stepped forward. All eyes expectantly turned his way, waiting. “Allow me to introduce Prince Casedren Teraketh of Sedah.”
She'd never heard of it.
Butterscotch, now formally named, stepped up and offered a slight bow of his head. “It is an honor to stand among you today.”
Brenden Wallace had little use for people with fancy names or fancy manners. “Formal talking bastard,” he muttered under his breath.
Dani gave Brenden a surreptitious poke. “I know you’re pissed,” she muttered out of one side of her mouth. “Just can it, okay?”
Prince Casedren’s penetrating gaze swept over her from head to foot. Clearly pleased with what he saw, he smiled. “As promised, my lady, I have returned to claim you.”
Under the scrutiny of Casedren’s admiring gaze, Dani gathered her robe tighter around her body. Casedren was formally dressed to the nines, while she was decked out in nothing fancier than a robe and fuzzy pink bunny slippers. With her hair in a tangle and last night’s stage makeup half gone, she probably looked like something the cat puked up. he didn’t seem to mind a bit. Undaunted, he stepped a little closer. The connection between them was so strong that it felt like some magnetic force was pulling them together. The air practically sizzled and popped between them with static energy.
Intensely aware of his presence, she blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “I wasn’t aware you’d be showing up with a marriage proposal.”
A wide grin spread across his face. “I know what I want when I see it, and I intend to make you my wife.”
Heart in her throat, Dani swallowed hard. “I, ah, forgive me if I don’t know what to say.” Her voice sounded foreign to her ears, strangely husky and throbbing with a longing she found difficult to mask.
Casedren laughed, his pale eyes lightning with mischief. “Yes, would be nice,” he said softly.
Lastly, today's giveaway is a choice of Trio or Eros Island. To be entered in the drawing, just post a comment in the comments section. Please include an email addy, so the winner may be contacted.
And on we go....
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Latest from Lauren!
Beth Schafer
Tamara Burks
Emilee Frias
Thanks everyone for entering and visiting me! Be sure and enter my August contest - I'm giving away a print copy of Secrets Vol. 23 once it ships to me. You can enter for your chance to win here:
I'll be blogging at the Novel Sisterhood blog tomorrow, 7/16/08. Please come out and blog with me. It's my first group blog appearance and I'm nervous. I'm offering bribes! LOL I'll be giving away a copy of Sofia's Lobo in PDF to two lucky winners and another print copy of Secrets Vol. 23 to be shipped to the winner once I get it - it's brand new!
On 7/21, Devyn Quinn's Virtual Book Tour is stopping at my blog! And she has graciously offered a prize for an attending winner, a print copy of one of her books. Winner's choiceof Sins of the Night, Sins of the Flesh, Trio or Eros Island. All fantastic works!
I hope you will come out and blog with Devyn at my blog to meet a great author and for a chance to win. I'm very excited about this.
Sofia's Lobo is now at Fictionwise!
I was SO excited!
Last, I got a couple of emails from you guys - you actually read my blog and forums. Thank you! I will be back to posting progress and anything else in the next couple of days. I've been on a big deadline. No, not the good writing kind. The kind for the day job. You know...
Have a wonderful night!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Come play at my forums!
BUT, there's also a recipe section so those of you with some really good recipes can post them there to share with me... er, everyone. lol There's a forum where you can talk about what you've been reading lately.
AND for my author friends, there's a forum just for promos, excerpts, announcements, blurbs, contests - you name it. You can post whenever you like. The best part? It's on my friend's server - not anything connected to Myspace - so your links are all safe from those pages where they tell you they saved you from phishing or some such. lol You know what I mean. They did that to the link to the buy page for my book at Red Sage. Phishing indeed.
I almost forgot, I've got one forum for writing progress. So if you're writing, even if you aren't published, come by and report what you did today. We'll keep each other motivated. =)
So take a look when you get a chance.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sofia's Lobo is available on Amazon for Kindle!
Thank you!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sofia's Lobo gets 5/5 and is a featured review at Manic Readers!
Thank you so much to Loretta! Buy it today from eRed Sage:
Thank you!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Holding pattern aka I’ve published the first one - now what?
Now what? I have a new release. I have the web site, the Myspace, the blog. I have a Yahoo group and with all four I've met some of the neatest people around. All of you are wonderful!
But what I really need is a followup. Am I a one hit wonder? I've written more than one story. I have two more shorter works in the can and waiting for a good home. They're both under consideration at the same publisher at the moment. One has been there for four months and the other I sent about two weeks later. I've tried to just join this publisher's MySpace with no luck for months. I wonder if that's a bad sign. LOL
The first one was rejected by a NY publisher who has branched out into ebooks - the same form rejection that several people have gotten from what I understand. It was thrilling to submit to them but the rejection... it wasn't as disappointing as much as I felt talked down to. I can handle a rejection. I have many from years before when I tried to publish before. "Thank you for submitting your work to us. Unfortunately, it's not what we're looking for." No problem. I get it. Yet this one made me feel like "Well, we know you're seriously crushed and will probably need therapy since we've rejected you, but your story was just lousy." LOL Again, not what it actually said, just what I came away feeling. And I'm a very upbeat person. I usually send a thank you note but I wasn't sure what I'd get back so I decided not to. Oh, well. LOL
I guess the only thing I can do is try to write something else. I may never hear from the publisher where my two next works are. A friend of mine sent them something last August and hasn't heard yet. She's a multi-published author with strong name recognition. If that's the case, what chance do I have? But I'm afraid to pull them until I get the rejection and try somewhere else because I'm still hopeful.
Hence the holding pattern. I'm stuck. I've written two more works, they're in limbo. Now to write number four.
Then there's another serious temptation that I know has to get to other authors. That all evil siren song of submission calls. The publisher I've got two stories in with put out one and I'd love to do it. But why? I saw another call I'd love to submit for but I just heard about it yesterday and there's no way I'd have something to submit by 6/30. Not and have it polished enough.
See all of these quick easy ways - we think - to get in with a publisher. Write a short - 10-15k. So many out there, dangling in front of us plump with the promise of a contract, a foot in the door. I've done that now. I'm just afraid if I keep doing that, I'm not going to advance in any direction.
Okay, so now what?
I've got ideas. I think it's time to search for that story that tugs at my heart strings and write it. Then, once I've written it, I'll toss it out there and see what happens. Maybe I'll get an answer. I hope so. Sometimes "no" is better than the no man's land of the holding pattern...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Sofia's Lobo is AVAILABLE NOW!
After a six-year absence, Sofia Tijerina has returned to her native Juarez, Mexico, with the crew for her reality show This Old Haunted House. Her mission? To film the ghost of La Llorona, a woman who is said to have murdered her children to please her lover's demands, and then to have taken her own life in despair. La Llorona reappears every year on the anniversary of her death, and Sofia knows what a ratings boost she would get from capturing footage of this annual haunting.
But La Llorona isn't the only specter in Juaraz that can haunt Sofia. Antonio Valdes, the sexy werewolf lover she left six years ago, taught her about the truth that lies behind paranormal stories. In a way, he inspired her career as a TV ghost hunter. And now he's a terrible distraction and a temptation she can't resist.
When Sofia begins to have visions of the female ghost, she realizes that Antonio is tied to the mystery of the spirit's fate. Will the secrets he kept from Sofia all those years ago resurface to tear them apart once again?
You can find it a Thank you!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sofia's Lobo - the first review!

"Sofia's Lobo promises romance and suspense -- and it delivers. I was absorbed by this tale of lovers reunited beneath the shadow of a horrible night. The characters really came to life for me and the author fleshed them out with so much emotion that I wasn't able to set the story aside until I finished. Everything about Ms. Blades' tale rang true from the snappy dialogue to the depiction of a non-white couple without all the annoying cliches. The sensual scenes were well written and perfectly suited to the two main characters whose genuine love and desire for each other never truly diminished. Equally impressive was the surrounding story of the local ghost and the way the author tied it to her characters in a meaningful way. The resolution of the story was incredibly satisfying and had me smiling through tears. This story and this new author are a wonderful addition to Red Sage and I'll be anxiously looking for more stories from Ms. Blades." - Cameron Foster
Thank you to Ms. Foster and please check out Sofia's Lobo which releases tomorrow at Red Sage!
Monday, April 28, 2008
My birthday and my first release on the same week!
You can enter for a chance to win a copy on 5/15 here:
On 5/1, I'm going to draw a name from my new Yahoo group for a chance to win two things:
A print copy of Secrets Volume 21
A Fever massage bar from Lush cosmetics
You can join at: or by sending a blank email to:
Here's an excerpt from Sofia's Lobo:
The crunching sound behind her provided the first clue. The low growl that followed it had her spinning around to find the source. Sofia spotted a huge black wolf not ten feet away from where she stood in the tall weeds to the river bank, and it was stalking her.
Her heart began racing in her chest even though the beast didn’t show its teeth or appear to be threatening her in any way. It eyed her as a predator watched its prey, drawing closer. The suspicion forming in her mind grew with each passing second.
Hoping no one else was around, she cocked her head to the side and almost laughed when the wolf stopped moving and did the same thing.
A long moment passed until she thought she’d truly gone around the bend and was just now realizing it.
When the animal’s huge body began to quiver, her body tensed and readied for flight. The beast let out fierce growl as it writhed and contorted, its limbs elongating and changing shape in a way that was almost grotesque. The black fur covering its body thinned and yielded to bronze flesh. The creature tucked its head as its snout began to shorten and draw in.
Slowly, the form of a man emerged. All at once he was still, crouching on the ground. His long dark hair obscured his face but
Sofia’s heart told her who he was before he slowly rose, magnificently
Antonio’s dark eyes met with hers, his expression a blend of defiance
and apprehension. She’d glimpsed him in wolf form before, she thought. Never had she seen any part of the actual transformation.
While she knew it had to be shocking to witness, and it was, somehow it wasn’t quite as bad as she would have thought.
“I hope you have clothes somewhere nearby.” She tried to lighten the moment because the tension between them was thick. “Otherwise, I’m going to have a devil of a time explaining you to my crew.”
He smiled at that. His cock jutted out proudly from his body while he stepped toward her. A not-so-subtle pang of desire tightened
her lower body at the sight.
“Looks like you’re happy to see me,” she pointed out.
“Are you happy to see me, Sofia?”
Antonio stopped inches before her, folding his arms across his the wide expanse of his chest. She had to admire his comfort with his natural human form.
Still, it appeared he expected an answer.
“Antonio, every time I see you my heart beats like a love sick school girl’s and my body goes crazy. Can’t you tell? Do you really have to ask me that?”
“I know many of the secrets of your body, mi amor. It’s the secrets of your heart I want to unravel. You didn’t answer my question.”
“Okay, then no.”
“You’re not happy to see me? Why, Sofia?”
“I just told you why.”
“You tell me how it feels to see me, tell me what I want to hear. But it doesn’t make you happy. That doesn’t make any sense.”
“It makes perfect sense to me, Antonio,” she explained. “Sure I have feelings for you and my body goes up in flames at the mere sight of you. But this is going to ruin everything. Can’t you see that?”
His features steeled at that. “So this is all about your career then?”
“Not totally.” As easy as it would be to let him believe that, she couldn’t.
“What else does it ruin?”
Antonio reached for her then and she took a step back.
“No, don’t. Antonio, no matter how much we feel for one another,
this can’t go anywhere. Don’t you see that?”
“Why?” His handsome face colored. “I told you I’d tell you everything,
Sofia. And once I have, you’ll understand why I couldn’t tell you things then. There will be no more secrets between us. Isn’t that enough for you?”
She shook her head. “It’s not enough for us.”
“You told me that you weren’t concerned about what I am last night. You tell me you don’t want to know my secrets now that I’m willing to tell you. Are you trying to leave me with nowhere to go?”
“Ay Dios Mios, I have to.” The words pulled from her lips before she thought better of it. “I barely survived leaving you six years ago. I’m not sure I could last through another parting.”
His arms felt so good sliding around her, his body was so warm and solid. Sofia melted into that gentle embrace, wanting the comfort
he offered.
“Who said we’ll be parted again?” he whispered into her hair. “How could I have ever let you go?”
Coming 5/1 from Red Sage
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Next Week Sofia's Lobo is Coming!

What should I be doing? I've got the blog, and I really do enjoying blogging because I can imagine that you are all my good friends and I'm talking to you. I'm sharing with you what's going on in my head. I like MySpace too because I've met a lot of people I wouldn't have met otherwise. I started a yahoo group and you know, as of right now about 55 people felt sorry for me and joined. lol Most before I even offered the prize of a print copy of Secrets Volume 21 and a massage bar from Lush cosmetics. (Pssst, the link is lol
It's been a strange journey. I've been trying to writing for a little while. Last year I sent a story in to Red Sage and the stars were aligned just right or the editor felt sorry for me. I don't know. But by August, I'm told I've sold my first work.
I didn't know until a couple of weeks ago when it would come out and that's no criticism. I used the time between "guess what, you've sold" until now wisely. I've watched what other people do. I'm ready. I should be ready. Am I ready? lol
I'm scared too because obviously, the first thing you want to do as a successful writer is to have another release coming. I don't. I have two out there and have since early this year. No word yet. The gap between this and a potential follow up scares me. How do I keep any interest with one book? Do I do recipes? (I love to cook and I'm told I'm not bad at it. lol) Do I do free stories?
Do I give it up? lol
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Comfort Food

I couldn't even watch American Idol this week - it's normally one of my favorite shows. I just can't get past Michael Johns getting voted off. lol I know that's being a very bad sport but I can't help it. His getting voted off was such a shock! It was like watching a movie and unexpectedly the leading characters are both blown up with no warning. lol I saw on the net this morning that Kristy Lee Cook was voted off. I knew it was coming but try as I did to dislike her, I thought she was pretty great after all. =)
So what do you do when you don't know how to move on from something? Well, for me, I cheer myself up with a good meal. lol There's a reason for the term "comfort food." Now the formal definition of comfort food is food that is made at home, inexpensive and easy to prepare. While I like to think I'm a good cook, I'm Chef Lauren in my own mind right? lol, easy to prepare is right up my alley.
Here's a recipe from a friend of mine, Nancy, because I will never claim a recipe to be my own if it isn't. It's a favorite of mine and it's on my dinner menu for this evening. Maybe it will help ease me past my PMDS - that's post Michael stress disorder. *sigh*
Mexican Super Supper
1 whole chicken, cut up
7 oz tortilla chips (I like the fancy ones)
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 can of cream of chicken soup
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
2-4 jalapeno peppers, diced
1 cup of sour cream (again, I prefer the good stuff)
1/2 cup of black olives, sliced
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
Stew the chicken until it is thoroughly cooked and allow to cool for 10-15 minutes. Remove the meat from the bones and cut into chunks. Mix the chicken with chips, onion, sups, peppers, sour cream, olives, and garlic powder. Pour int 3 quart casserole dish. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for 30 minutes until bubbly. Serve with a fresh green salad and Texas toast. 6-8 servings.
Have a wonderful day!